Angela Curas Fund
Est. in 2021 as a donor designated fund by Angela Curas.

Angela Curas was a generous, loving, keenly intelligent and a fiercely private person. Despite her years, her family says they couldn’t keep up with her when it came to discussing news of the day, politics, or world events.
“During her last years, we exchanged email messages daily and I found her knowledgeable on countless topics,” said her great-nephew, John Petrone. “She was incredible."
Angela was a retired state court stenographer. In her youth, however, she was a fashion model and talented photographer. Also, her lifelong love of cats was evident as she often adopted neighborhood strays that needed a loving home.
So, when Greg Stamos, her longtime friend and lawyer, learned Angela was considering creating a fund to support her church, the Salvation Army, and an area animal shelter, he wasn’t surprised. He said over the years, he truly came to appreciate her earnest desire to help her community.
Angela passed away in late 2020 at the age of 92, but long before that she planned out the fund that now bears her name.
“She decided to do this with the simple goal of helping others less fortunate than she was,” Greg said. “Angela could best be described as a quintessential lady, always dressed to the nines when going to the Shubert Theatre or New York City. But I think she’ll be remembered most for her generosity, her big heart and how much she loved her family.”
Lucas Petrone, Angela’s great-nephew, said she was the family’s rock who cherished her Greek heritage and loved showing the younger generation photographs and talking about family members from her youth. They loved her stories and simply adored her.
“Aunt Kitty was my guardian angel,” Lucas said. “Her focus on family was strong and she was always there for me. The time I spent with her gave me nothing but a sense of positivity. I am indebted to her and so full of love because of our connection.”
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