Coach Bobby Kelo Memorial Scholarship Fund
Est. in 2021 by his mother, Jackie Kelo, and sister, Deb Kelo.

Most Seymour residents know Robert Edward Kelo simply as — Coach Kelo. When Coach Kelo passed away in 2020, his mom, Jackie, and sister, Deb, set up the Coach Bobby Kelo Memorial Scholarship for graduating students at Seymour High School. It’s where he taught math for 32 years, and was head baseball coach, and coached Wildcats football for 27 years.
“Bobby had such a love for baseball and spent so much time at French Park,” Deb said. “It was his second home. The Seymour Board of Selectmen even named the dugout and road leading up to the park after Bobby. Today people can see his plaque and know the impact he had on all of us.”
After Coach Kelo passed away, people all over town displayed their letterman jackets on their porches in his honor. Deb and her family were very moved by the outpouring of love. “He was more than just a coach to so many,” Deb said. “He was humble and did what he could for the kids, whether it was helping them prep for the SATs or coaching. So many told me he didn’t care if someone was the best athlete or student, so long as they wanted to learn he’d help them.”
Even in retirement, Deb said Coach Kelo continued to help others.
“His friends in Florida told me he was their life coach. It’s hard to know how many he helped over the years. It was mentioned during his eulogy that Bobby’s superpower was being a friend. Whether you knew him for years or just met, he treated you like you had been friends forever.”
Deb fondly remembers how her big brother would come to her high school games, and later drive hours to see her play in college.
“The support he showed for his family was the same support he showed to his players and friends,” she said. “He was a tough guy with a heart of gold.”
Editor’s Note: Just a few weeks after the fund was created, Jackie Kelo died peacefully knowing her beloved son would be honored in perpetuity.
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