Raymond F. Mackowski Fund
Est. 2016 by the estate of Raymond Mackowski

Many donors are inspired to create a fund with the Valley Community Foundation (VCF) with a specific idea in mind - to establish a scholarship at a former high school, to benefit a long-supported nonprofit, or perhaps even to designate funds for a specific preference or based on past charitable endeavors. Once a fund is endowed, donor intent becomes so much more than a set of written instructions. Instead, it perpetuates the values of an individual or family, enriches the community, and honors those who loved the Valley.
Not all funds, however, have a specified purpose. Unrestricted funds entrust VCF with the flexibility and responsibility of continuously distributing grants to address the changing needs of the community both now and for years to come.
Raymond Mackowski established a substantial unrestricted fund at VCF through his estate, which was created after his passing in 2016. Every year, a distributable amount of approximately $60,000 is generated from the fund and is invested based on careful consideration of the current state of the Valley to create a better region. Raymond's gift will always be up to date with emerging issues due to the flexibility this type of endowment provides.
When administering an unrestricted fund, VCF evaluates all aspects of community well-being: arts and culture, economic development, education, environment, health and human services, neighborhood revitalization, and more. Because of Raymond's generous contribution, VCF's professional staff is able to grant funds to ensure critical work can progress. This makes the Valley stronger with each passing year by supporting long-term solutions, responding to emergencies, and meeting social, cultural, educational, or environmental crises that inevitably occur.
Raymond spent his life in service to his hometown of Ansonia. Among his many pursuits was to serve as a dedicated volunteer at Yale-New Haven Hospital for more than 30 years. Raymond was also a member of both the American Legion and the Knights of Columbus. His bequest was made in memory of his parents, John and Amelia Mackowski. Thanks to Raymond's legacy, future generations will remember the man and his intent to make his home and his Valley a better place for everyone.
Raymond's nephew, Richard Mackowski, explained, "He was ready to help anyone in the community. He gave so much of his time and talent to helping others. He was just a good man. That's really the best way to put it."
VCF President and CEO Sharon Closius said, "Unrestricted funds enable VCF to support emerging issues and the most pressing needs in the Valley. As stewards for the Valley's philanthropic endowments, we look forward to honoring Raymond's intent throughout our community for many years to come."
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