Henry Shelton Wells and Edith Birdseye Wells Family Fund
Est. 2017 by Thomas and Royal Wells on behalf of their other siblings.

There have been Wells family members living in the region since colonial times. Mention the name Wells throughout the
Henry Shelton Wells and his wife Edith Birdseye Wells dedicated
their lives to working on and preserving that Farm during their lifetime. To honor their parents' deep commitment to the land and to the Valley, family members have come together to create the Henry Shelton Wells and Edith Birdseye Wells Fund, a Designated Fund at the Valley Community Foundation.
"Thanks to the tenacity, dedication, and foresight of our parents, the Farm has remained in our family for generations," said son Thomas H. Wells. "Mom and Dad had many opportunities to sell, especially when times were tough and farms were cheap," added his brother Royal.
"Back in the thirties and forties when they were struggling to make ends meet and raise the six of us, it wasn't easy. But they hung in there, and as a result, the farm became their legacy for us. We want to honor our parents for all that they have done by giving back to the community that they loved so dearly."
The brothers and their sister Lovisa Wells Hill have fond memories of growing up on the
"We didn't have much, but we had each other and that was, and still is, everything," said Tom. "My mother had the best parties all throughout the year—Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, and of course Thanksgiving and Christmas." Lovisa agreed.
"Celebrations were such a special time for us on the farm. I was fortunate to have my wedding reception there, and I now proudly carry on my mother's tradition of hosting Thanksgiving there
each year," she said.
The Wells Family plans to grow their parents' fund so that annual distributions can be made to support cultural, historical, and pressing needs in the Valley. "Our parents were always there for us throughout our lives," said Tom. "Mom and Dad attended our graduations and every special event that each of us went through. This is our way of honoring that commitment to us by giving back to Valley nonprofits that are working so hard to make this community a better place for generations to come."
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