Luke Moseley Aviation Scholarship Fund
Est. in 2021 as a scholarship fund by his son, Robert Moseley.

Robert Moseley established the Luke Moseley Aviation Scholarship at Shelton High School to honor his father when he passed in 1992. The scholarship was an annual award that provided $2,000 to a student eager to enter the aviation industry in any capacity, such as a pilot or technician. Eric Martire, the high school’s guidance counselor, informed Robert that the Valley Community Foundation manages all Shelton High scholarship funds.
“I had no idea that by giving a certain amount of money there would be enough to carry on the scholarship in perpetuity,” he said. “It was exciting to learn because I had been writing a check every year and wondered what would happen if I stopped.”
“My father was captivated with aviation right from the start. As a kid in Iowa on the farm, he’d lay down in the fields, look at the sky and watch planes fly overheard,” Robert said. “That perked his interest in aviation. He managed to take some lessons but most of his training came from the Army Air Corps. Dad flew troops and supplies to Europe during World War II.”
After military service, Luke Moseley’s career would include 35 years as a corporate pilot for PepsiCo. Luke Moseley lived in Ridgefield so he could be closer to Westchester Airport, but Robert and his family lived in Shelton for 25 years. His son, also named Luke, graduated from Shelton High in 2007.
Bob is retired now and lives just outside of Atlanta, which just happens to have the busiest airport in the country.
“Shelton means a lot to us,” he said. “We thought the scholarship would have more impact at Shelton High because there are likely fewer scholarship opportunities for aviation students compared to the Atlanta area.”
“My father loved aviation and always wanted to help others,” he said. “We set up this scholarship after he was gone but I think he’d be thrilled to know we’re still honoring his legacy by supporting younger people who enter this field.”
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