Nancy Valentine Fund
Est. 2009 as a Donor Advised fund.

Nancy Valentine is a self-proclaimed "carpetbagger" - having lived in the Valley for "only" the last 35 years. But when it comes to Valley pride, she is one of the first in line to praise its heritage and its strong sense of community. "There's really something special here - a uniqueness to the Valley," said Mrs. Valentine. "I believe it's because of its magnetism - past generations have grown up, stayed, and raised their families here. There is something here to hold on to, something you can count on. There's always a place for everyone in the Valley."
In 2009, Nancy established the Nancy Valentine Fund, a Donor Advised Fund.
"I anticipated doing this for quite some time, and finally have the ability to see it come to fruition," she said. "For me, it's important to see the progress, the action, and the activity that a Fund can bring to those who need it the most. Since the '90s I have served on many committees where people were getting awards and scholarships. It was great to get to know the recipients - especially what their plans for the future were. It piqued my interest in giving and has now allowed me to do my part to help the Valley where there is need."
Nancy has been actively involved in the Valley community for years - beginning with her early work with The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven when she sat on the initial advisory committee to explore the creation of VCF. As a member of Rotary, first in the Ansonia Club and now with Seymour-Oxford Rotary, and as the two-term Mayor of Ansonia from 1995 to 1999.
"I learned from the beginning how important it was to give back to my community," said Mrs. Valentine. "VCF was a natural fit for what I hoped to do with my Fund. They've accomplished some terrific things from the time they started out, and I know that they will continue to do so in the future. I may not have been born and raised here, but it certainly is a great place to call home. I'm glad to work with VCF to help the Valley continue to grow."
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