St. Vincent de Paul of the Valley Organizational Fund
Est. 2019 as a revocable organization fund by a transfer of assets to benefit St. Vincent de Paul of the Valley.

Since 1990, St. Vincent de Paul of the Valley, (SVDP) through its volunteers, members, and programs, has been aiding the working poor, physically handicapped, homeless, and mentally challenged. Its thrift shop offers the dual purpose of providing a low-cost shopping alternative as well as generating income to purchase staples, such as meat, eggs, and produce for its food bank to have on hand all the time.
Knowing how important it is to make sure SVDP is sustainable for its clients both in the short and long term, SVDP Board and Staff explored various financial options to meet their needs and found a great fit with the Valley Community Foundation (VCF).
"We have worked with VCF throughout the years on a number of different projects," said SVDP Executive Director Remy Kocurek. "We wanted to establish a fund with an organization that shared our goals and values. VCF is local, helpful, and fully immersed in the Valley Community. It was our logical choice."
Organization funds such as this are offered as a service to nonprofits in the region wishing to participate in VCF's long-term endowment investment strategy through its affiliation agreement with the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven.
"VCF President and CEO Sharon Closius made it clear to us that past performance does not guarantee future success," Remy said. "However, we see this Fund as being one more strategy to help us accomplish our goals."
Remy added, "Building and maintaining well-being is a lifelong process. There are times in everyone's lives when storms and squalls can take their toll on us, both physically and emotionally. We can potentially use the resources from this fund to ensure that we remain fortified, no matter what challenges the future holds, to help Valley residents in need for years to come."
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