TEAM Legacy Fund
Established in 2018 by the Board of Directors of TEAM Inc.

TEAM, Inc. is the Valley's largest nonprofit human services organization with a commitment to economically disadvantaged and vulnerable at-risk individuals, children, and families in the Valley community and surrounding areas. To ensure its promise for the Valley's most needy will continue to be delivered in the future, TEAM's Board and staff are asking the community for their help.They have established a Legacy Fund at the Valley Community Foundation (VCF) with the goal of building and diversifying their revenue sources for the long term.
David Morgan, TEAM's President/CEO, said, "I often remind myself and our 18-member Board of the important stewardship roles we each have within this organization. While our terms of service are temporary, Valley residents will continue to turn to TEAM, needing help and support well into the future."
TEAM's footprint in the community spans from Early Childhood to Elderly Services. People and families in difficult circumstances can turn to TEAM for immediate assistance and stability, as well as receive help to address their long-term needs on a path to self-sufficiency.
"With the uncertainties of government funding, we need to ensure that those experiencing the deepest need will still find help available at TEAM. We are the safety net for the region and must be ready to respond today and in the years to come," David said.
David recalled a metaphor he heard at a VCF planned giving workshop, which compared establishing a permanent fund at a community foundation to gardening. Rather than a single gift made outright, a fund can be created to support an organization in perpetuity much like turning annual flowers into perennials. "That resonated with me. We can ensure that TEAM will be there for people who, through no fault of their own, find themselves in difficult circumstances. VCF's powerful message made me realize that TEAM and other nonprofits can ensure that our missions transcend our times of service. By incorporating simple planned giving methods, what meaningfully and effectively happens today, has the potential to happen forever."
The VCF staff met with David and TEAM's Board to discuss planned giving and fund options. "The raining and technical assistance was phenomenal. They gave so much time and attention to us that it came together rather effortlessly."
"We view VCF as a philanthropic leader in this area," David added. "Like VCF, we, too, are committed to preserving and building upon a diverse menu of resources to impact the community. We know that many people may be more comfortable with giving when they no longer need their assets. Through this Fund, we are able to provide an easy vehicle for those who want to remember TEAM in their estate plans."
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