The Great Give 2024 is May 1-2!

Learn how you can support local nonprofits serving Greater New Haven.

The Great Give, a 36-hour online fundraising event created by The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven in 2010, unites donors with nonprofits serving Greater New Haven in a fun and engaging way.

It raises money and awareness for so many causes important to our region, with valuable matching funds and prizes from The Community Foundation, the Valley Community Foundation and other generous sponsors. In 2023, nearly $3.5 million was raised for 500+ nonprofits.

Visit between 8 a.m. on May 1 and 8 p.m. on May 2, choose one or more charitable organizations and donate. You can also help your favorite nonprofits through peer-to-peer fundraising.

Follow @cfgnh and #TheGreatGive leading up to the event for announcements.

Click here to see the a list of more than 50 Valley nonprofits participating in The Great Give 2024.

Questions? Please contact Jackie Downing.