Winston J. Bish Memorial Scholarship Fund
Est. in 2021 as a scholarship fund by his loving wife, Corinne Dellaera-Bish.

Winston J. Bish was a gifted man of many talents who shaped minds and opened hearts throughout his lifetime. Whether painting magnificent oil portraits or wildlife in their habitats, crafting his own line of quality banjos, serving as Unified Arts teacher at Madison Middle School, or as Head Hockey Coach of Trumbull High, this humble, gentle spirit was beloved by all. Many former students and hockey players continued to keep in touch with him over the years.
Winston — or Win to those that knew him and always Mr. Bish to his students — served proudly in the 101st Army Airborne during the Vietnam War. Along with his full-time military duties, he coached a boys softball team at Fort Bragg, and while in Vietnam he even sponsored a nine-year-old girl’s education, including tuition and uniforms.
“Winston truly loved children,” said his wife, Corinne Dellaera-Bish. To honor him, she turned to the Valley Community Foundation (VCF) and created the Winston J. Bish Memorial Scholarship. “I wanted this scholarship to support students pursuing technology education and wood-working careers who need financial aid.”
Corinne first learned about community foundations through Liz Kennard, former VCF Board Chair and a longtime friend of hers and Winston’s.
Winston was a star high school athlete and later a hockey coach, winning awards, and accolades throughout his coaching career. In fact, in 1983 he was featured in hockey’s Goal Magazine as the country’s first African American high school hockey coach. In 1987, he won the “Coach of The Year” award from the National Ice Hockey Officials Association.
“Winston was the love of my life,” Corinne said. “After his passing, I wanted to do something to honor my amazing husband. That’s when I turned to VCF to create a scholarship in his name to help students at Trumbull High and Bassick High in Bridgeport, his alma mater.”
“Win came from a family of eleven children, so I know there are many kids out there just like him who are gifted and would benefit from some help,” Corinne said. “I’m pleased to know that VCF has provided me with the tools to help bring this tribute to my Winston to life.”
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